Wednesday, December 24, 2008

For Tracy

This blog is for Tracy. She just complained that I did not have anything posted. She is absolutely right. I had all my email posted from our trip to Hungary this summer along with photos. After I worked for a couple of hours on setting up a beautiful blog site, I came back to it and it was all gone. Then I was mad and didn't post anything for a while, though that was mostly because things got rolling at the beginning of the school year. By the time I decided to blog again, I had forgotton my account information. After I went through a struggle to figure it all out again, I was exhausted, so you got the one and only post showing above this one...or it could be below it.

Now, Tracy, dear little sister of mine...notice I did not say baby sister. Have I posted enough for you to read while you sit at your desk bored to tears? I'm going to take a nap now so that I am fresh and ready for your nonsense tonight!

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